Friday, November 27, 2009

Nov. 27 - Friday

KB Clean + Jerk @ 24kg
- 4 minutes @ 6 rpm, ~ 6 minutes rest
- 4 minutes @ 8 rpm

Clean + Jerk @ 28kg
- 10 sets of 6 on the minute

The weight of the bells felt great today, not heavy at all. My CNS did not feel as shape today, but this has been a recovery week and I look to feel much better next week.

From talks with Catherine Imes I am going to be concentrating my training on the Long-Cycle (Clean + Jerk) event. I'll be competing in Long-Cycle at the Toledo meet Jan. 30 and then again with Long Cycle in March at the NYC competition.

Pacing is going to be different for me on this event and I am going to play around with different resting options; way up/down between reps.

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