Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Nov. 24 - Tuesday

KB Jerk @ 24kg
- 10 sets of 20, 3 minutes rest between sets

Back Squat
5 x 135#
5 x 225
5 x 275
5 x 315
5 x 350

1-arm Jerk @ 32kg
- 15 / 15

I am going to make a training adjustment and squat/deadlift on days that I jerk. Deadlifting will also only occur every other week to continue putting my focus on the girevoy sport lifts.


  1. When and where will you try to make your numbers again? You planning to attend the Toledo meet Jan 30th?


  2. Yes I am planning to compete at the Toledo meet on Jan. 30. How about yourself?

  3. This is a FYI for you Andrew.

    Valery will not be in Toledo. They told Sherman this in Cincinnati during the judges cert. I don't think he remembered.

    That being said..I'm going and will be "Master Judge". I've bought the plane ticket.. I can witness CMS attempts (with video submission afterwards).

    It might be something for you to consider doing CMS in LCC&J and possibly attempting MS at the NYC LCC&J meet on 3/27?

    Just a suggestion since a MS attempt may not be possible in Toledo because Valery won't be there. The next closest time would be the NYC certification 2nd week of March.


  4. Yes, I will be in Toledo too. Hopefully will be working the 32s by then, but depending on how things go in Atlanta, I could be hitting CMS there too.


  5. I'm looking forward to lifting the 32s with you guys!

  6. Eric,
    You planning to make the trek to Toledo?
    Would be great to see you.

  7. I'll be in Toledo, Matt.

    GL in Atlanta! Crush CMS!
