Friday, September 18, 2009

Durniat Strength

Durniat Strength is now live.

Durniat Strength will be a place where everyone can go to find out the latest happening with myself and my training. This blog will still continue, thank you all for following along in my journey. There will be some changes:
  • I will only be posting my training routine here. All other write-ups and responses to questions will be found at
Head over to check it out. I have responded to David's questions in a post about 'Why I Train The Way I Do'

Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you all.


  1. Thank you very much Andrew. This is great stuff. Much to think about.

    Good luck in the grip comp.

    See you soon (Vegas or Atlanta?)


  2. Great Stuff Andrew, i will be dropping in routinely to see what your cooking up.
