Monday, August 31, 2009

Aug. 31 - Monday

Axle Clean + Push Jerk
5 x 45 kg
5 x 65
5 x 75
5 x 85
5 x 90

15 Minutes (EDT)
Dips x 5 - 12 sets
Ring Row x 5 - 12 sets

1-arm Long-Cycle @ 24kg, switch every minute
- 20 minutes @ 8 rpm
I really worked on breathing in the overhead position, something I struggle with. Otherwise, this was a very easy set and felt like I could go on indefinitely.

sport x 10
trainer x 10
#1 x 10
#2 x 10, 10, 10, 10, 10

Sledgehammer internal/external rotation
10 @ 9" from head x 3 sets

1 comment:

  1. andrew you are very impressive your power and strength is inspirational, i just found your blog and was wondering if all the kettlebell work you put in has really help you form that vise grip. Andrew if you could offer any in sight on this topic it would be put to good use thanks so much, also does all your kb work carry over to your strength on the axle and your ability to lift huge weight. thanks
