Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Tuesday - Feb. 10

Jump Rope and Dot Mat Warm-up

2-arm Jerk @ 32kg
- 6 minutes @ 8 rpm (12 reps last minute) - 52 total

1-arm Jerk @ 40kg
- 15 / 15

1-arm Jerk @ 48kg
- 10 / 10

Snatch @ 32kg, single arm switch
- 6 minutes @ 12 rpm

Snatch @ 24kg, single arm switch
- 6 minutes @ 15 rpm

Grippers up to #3
35# hub lifts - both wide and narrow

1 comment:

  1. Hi Andrew

    Thanks for your message about hand care, ill be sure to follow your advice!

    Awesome work! Very strong session today! I tel my clients what you and other elite GS guys do and they all think im joking!

    Strength endurance = Strength that wins championships and saves lives!
