Monday, February 9, 2009

Sunday - Feb. 8

Today I tried the David Zink challenge. I heard of this through Catherine Imes and it sounds like something my good friend David would think up. Its 30 minutes non-stop; 10 minutes of 2-arm Jerks, 10 minutes of snatches (switch arms every minute) and finish with 10 minutes of 2-arm Long Cycle.

Here is what I did:

2-arm Jerk @ 24kg - 6 rpm
Snatch @ 24kg - 12 rpm
2-arm LC @ 24kg - 4 rpm

I liked the set for its endurance qualities and it teaches patience with the weight.

I was surprised with how well my legs felt having skied saturday and sunday morning in New York. I'll be back with the 32s again on Tuesday.

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