Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Tuesday - Jan. 27

2-arm Jerk @ 28kg, 8 minutes
1) 8
2) 8
3) 8
4) 8
5) 8
6) 10
7) 10
8) 10

2-arm Jerk @ 24kg
- 5 minutes @ 10 rpm

Snatch @ 28kg, single arm switch
- 8 minutes @ 15 rpm

Swings @ 40kg, single arm switch
- 50 / 50


  1. It appears your double jerk is really coming along - did you have a breakthrough of sorts or just a gradual improvement - it seems like it happened quickly.

  2. I have finally found rest in the rack position which has allowed the breakthrough.

  3. Good for you - it gives me hope that you have found a way. I don't seem to be any closer than I was when I started. Are you still stacking or did you find a way to rest with the bells even? Any tips?

  4. I still stack. I have found the best way for me to stack. Play around with the rotation of your hands in the stack and remember what works best.
