Thursday, January 22, 2009

Thursday - Jan. 22

2- arm Jerk @ 28kg
- 10 minutes @ 8 rpm

Snatch @ 28kg, single arm switch
- 10 minutes @ 15 rpm

Swings @ 36kg, single arm switch
- 50 / 50

Rolling Thunder
3 x 135# (r/l)
2 x 185# (r/l)
2 x 205# (r/l)

Jerks again felt very strong, especially while overhead. I could tell I had done 10 minutes of jerks on Tuesday as my legs were a bit fatigued still. Snatch set went much better and I was happy to do the full 10 minutes after a lack luster snatch set on Tuesday.


  1. Andrew - are you doing anything at all on the inbetween days?

  2. All I'm doing in between training days is stretching for about 45 minutes to an hour. And my body thanks me for it.
