Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Saturday - Dec. 6

20 minute Cate Imes Challenge @ 32kg
Snatch - 172
Clean + Jerk - 84

I started the snatches at 20rpm but slowed down after 4 minutes to 15rpm. I was still feeling my hips and back from the 4 minute swing set with the 40kg on Tuesday. I had a brain malfunction and missed a rep at the end of the 10 minutes. The Clean + Jerks went smooth and 8rpm was fairly relaxed. I did have few minutes of 9rpm due to me loosing track of where I was.


  1. Andrew,

    That's a brutal workout mate, how are the hands after that? I watched Scott Helsley's youtube of the 20 minute set, you guy's are maniacs!

    Looks like you're training has been going well, are you competing in Atlanta next Saturday?


  2. Hands were fine. I'm competing in Atlanta this weekend which is why I didn't want to push the pace too much. Better to save it for this weekend.

  3. I agree Andrew. I have the flu, so that kept me in check with the 20kg.

    Is it OK if I post these in the main spreadsheet?

