Saturday, December 20, 2008

Atlanta Southeast Competition

Scott Shetler held a great competition on Dec. 13.  It was great to see so many familiar faces that made the trip to compete.  My goal was to complete 200 snatches in competition.  I came up short, 138 total.  Right from the start the set just felt different and then at the end of 3 minutes on my first arm, it just stopped working.  This was a feeling I was very unaccustomed to and I switched arms for fear of dropping the bell.  My second arm didn't go much better and after 3 minutes I was feeling the same.  I held on for a few more reps and then it was done after 7:34.  

I won the overall best lifter award for the weekend, but still feel very disappointed in my own performance.  It was the first time that I have failed to perform better in a competition than I have in training.    

My next competition will be at the Arnold Fitness Expo and I will be even better prepared for that venue.   


  1. Any thoughts on what happened? I was worried when I saw that just the Tues before you had a good day. I wonder if more recovery is necessary? Damn, this sport requires too much thought. You don't seem like your head gets in the way. Any thoughts you have will be an education.

  2. Andrew don't be hard on yourself mate. 138 snatches is very very good.
    Did you coach yourself, or get advice in the prep period?
    Great effort I thought!

  3. Lorraine,

    I know exactly what happened. We took him to sushi instead of steak the night before!

    Seriously Andrew - your "bad" day is still a hell of a performance. I know it wasn't the day you wanted - but you're a pro - you'll evaluate your performance and use it to come back and kick some serious ass at the Arnold brother - looking forward to it!

