Thursday, August 28, 2008

August 28 - Thursday

Jump Rope - 2 minutes
ABC sprint drills
Multidirectional hurdle jumps to sprint x 8 - 6" hurdles
24" hurdle jumps - 2 x 6 - 5 hurdles
Diesel Shoulder Warm-up

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Deadlift @ 225 lbs.
Hang Clean @ 60 kg
Strict Press @ 60 kg
Time: 30:45

Seated Calf Raise @ 90 lbs.
4 sets of 15

I always like doing jumps and sprint training. The rest is a CrossFit set-up. I was not in any hurry but wanted to do a full body workout. I have the Global Grip Challenge out at the Diesel compound this weekend and I did not want to tax my grip much at all.

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