Tuesday, August 26, 2008

August 26 - Tuesday

Diesel Shoulder Warm-up
Turkish Get-ups
5 @ 16kg
2 x 5 @ 24kg

15 Minutes (EDT)
Standing Behind Neck Press @ 45kg
10 sets of 5
Bent Over Row @ 110kg
10 sets of 5

5 Minutes Rest

15 Minutes (EDT)
Handstand Pushups
8 sets of 1
Metolius Hangboard Pullups
8 sets of 5

5 Minutes Rest

10 Minutes (EDT)
Renegade Rows @ 32kg
6 sets of 5
Dips on Rings
6 sets of 5

Wrist Roller
10 lbs.
25 lbs. x 2

Landmine Torso Twists @ 10lbs. - 3 x 10
Ab Roller - 3 x 10
Zulu Abs x 10

Mini Band Curls and Tri Extensions
3 x 10

I went with less intensity and greater volume today and boy did it feel nice. I'm sure I will have some muscle soreness from the increased volume, but it shouldn't be too bad. I really enjoy Charles Staley's EDT protocol for general strength and conditioning.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Andrew

    Ive just started a EDT protocol cycle. In the past I had great success using very limited exe's.
    A1) weighted pullups A2) weighted dips etc

    Good luck

