Saturday, August 2, 2008

August 1 - Friday

Battling Ropes 1 1/4" (75') - Tabata (20 sec. On / 10 sec. Off) x 8
Diesel Crew Shoulder Warm-up

Sport - 10
Trainer - 8
#1 - 5
#2 - 2
#2.5 - 2, 2, 2, 2

Standing Press
5 x 135 lbs.
5 x 155
5 x 165
5 x 165
5 x 165

Pulls on climbing ropes
5 x bodyweight
5 x 12kg
5 x 16kg
5 x 20kg
5 x 24kg

Seated DB Press
5 x 75 lbs.
5 x 75
5 x 80
5 x80
4 x 85

Thick DB Row - 2.5"
5 x 100 lbs.
5 x 110
5 x 120
5 x 120
5 x 120

2 Hand Pinch
2 x 110 lbs.
2 x 115
2 x 130
2 x 140

Reverse Bending
60d nails x 6

I've been playing around with different warm-up techniques. The battling ropes today was fun and I'll do that again. Grippers felt decent today, I was really working on my creditcard set to make it seamless. The setup I used for 2HP is not the official setup but will give me a good feel for technique. I took 2 45lbs. plates and then sent my loading pin between them and added plates to up the weight. My 45s were freshly painted last week and my setup felt a lot slicker than other setups, regardless, I need to improve to have a chance at GGC.


  1. Hi Andrew

    I'm very interested to know your road to closing the #3 gripper?

    Ive been using grippers for 4 months and im 2mm away from a #2.5 CCS close. But it will take some serious work to defeat the big 3

    Where did u start and how did u progress? IF one can close the #2.5should the #3 be a realistic goal?

    Thanks bud

  2. Andrew,

    Just wanted say hello. It was great meeting you at the Michigan meet. What an awesome showcase for Kettlebell lifting. I thought your grip strength demonstration was top quality also! I hope we can get you down to NC one day to put on a seminar at my fitness center. I just started a blog and put you as a link, hope that's cool. Good luck with your upcoming competition.

