Thursday, July 31, 2008

Training Day - July 31 - Thursday

Dot Mat Drills to warm-up, interspersed with kicking the soccer ball around.

Barbell Clean + Jerk
3 x 50 kg
3 x 60
3 x 70
3 x 80
3 x 90

Back Squat
5 x 135 lbs.
5 x 225
5 x 315
5 x 315 - belt
5 x 315 - belt

5 x 118 lbs.
5 x 162
5 x 206
5 x 272
5 x 360

Donkey Calf Raise
5 x 75
5 x 100
5 x 125
5 x 150
5 x 175

Seated Calf Raise
5 x 70
5 x 115
5 x 140
5 x 175
5 x 185

Crunches on floor - sets of 40

My body and legs were still pretty sore from the previous two days. I kept the weight down on the Clean + Jerks to work on my technique. I have a tendency to catch my clean while too far forward on my toes, which causes me to then lose the clean on heavy weights. Today felt much better in the squat clean, I hope this continues into heavier weights.

Squats were heavy. Next week will be better because I will take my normal two days off between leg days.

I am also doing more calf work. I have had some achilles tendinitis in the past and training my calves seems to help.

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