Sunday, July 13, 2008

Training Day - July 11 - Friday

I'm starting to feel more confident in pressing. Its still a weakness of mine, which is why I chose to do more reps with dumbbells today. I went with pullups and db rows today instead of bent over rows because I did not want to overtax my spinal erectors anymore than what I had already done on Thursday.

Incline Log Press
5 x 164 lbs.
5 x 197
5 x 219
5 x 241
5 x 241

5 x bodyweight
5 x 12 kg
5 x 16
5 x 20
5 x 24

Incline DB Press
10 x 75 lbs. each hand
10 x 85
10 x 95
8 x 95

DB Row - 2.5" thick handle
5 x 100 lbs.
5 x 120
5 x 130
5 x 130
5 x 130

Captains of Crush Grippers
Sport x 5
Trainer x 5
#1 x 5
#2 x 5
#2.5 x 2
#3 x 2 attempts
#3.5 x 2 attempts

The grippers were hard today, but I think that is from cleaning and deadlifting on the axle yesterday and thick handle rows today.

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