Thursday, July 10, 2008

Training Day - July 10 - Thursday

Back Squat
5 x 70 kg
5 x 120
5 x 150
5 x 164
5 x 170 - belt

Squats felt strong, most importantly, my spinal erectors felt strong and the weight felt good on my back.

Axle Clean + Jerk
3 x 55 kg
3 x 80
2 x 95 - belt
2 x 100 - belt
2 x 105 - belt

I had some difficulty on some of the cleans in keeping it in my hands while in the rack, but overall my technique felt the best yet and I feel 250 lbs. will go on July 19.

Axle Deadlift
5 x 231 lbs.
5 x 341
5 x 431
5 x 461
3 x 501 - belt

I chose to use the axle for these today because that is what I'll need to do next week. Felt very strong here again, but the thick bar did stop me 1 rep short of what I did last week, of maybe it was that extra pound..:)

240 lbs. atlas stone lifted to chest - 5 singles

I was pretty tired after everything else but it still went up and it was fun.

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