Monday, May 6, 2019

Saturday - May 4

Bob's Big Timber Backyard Ultra - Last Man Standing event
 - 79 individuals signed up, 68 started and only 1 officially finishes.  Everyone else is a 'DNF'.  To intriguing not to sign up and participate.

 - 50 miles total - (watch had it at 49.1, but the course was wheeled exactly)
 - 11:54:32
 - 14:35 pace (12:46 pace without aid station time)
 - 5787 ft. of elevation
 - aveHR 135
 - maxHR 162

What a weekend.  Truly a great day for me personally: 1 hour 23 minute PR over last years 50-miler in Leadville, CO (air to breathe might have helped), but even more importantly, no injuries and I felt like I could have kept going but decided to stop with a solid PR and enjoy the fitness benefits without digging to deep a hole for  the rest of the year.  June will be HUGE month and this gives me great confidence if I am smart and allow myself to heal and rest from this big effort.

The winner of the event went 33 hours and 138-ish miles.  Incredible performance by himself and many others i had the pleasure of learning from during my hours out there with them.

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