Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Tuesday - Oct. 23

Dynamic Warm-up / Jump Rope - 2minutes

Multi-directional Hurdle Jumps to Sprint x10
Side Hurdle Step to Sprint x5 (r/l)

 10x 45, 135#
 5x 185#
 20x 235# - 4 breathes at the top of each rep
 - wore the rehband knee sleeves today.  Just felt needed after the 45# warm-up set.

18" box Squat
 3x 235, 275, 315, 315, 315#

Barbell RDL
 10x 60, 70, 80, 90kg

Client, Lunch, Clients.....

Rolling Thunder
 - 5x 10 (r/l) @ 160# on 3:00 timer
 - I've accepted an invite to compete again at the Arnold.  I have elected to only compete in the Rolling Thunder contest on Friday morning.  Endurance is still my main focus, but felt RT could be fit in without undue harm.

Ab Wheel
 x6, 8, 10, 12

Hanging Knee Raise w/ twist (r/l)
 x10, 10, 10

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