Thursday, October 18, 2018

Thursday - Oct. 18

Dynamic Warm-up + Jump Rope 2-minutes

Box Jumps
 - 18-24-30"
 - 3sets of 5

18" Box Drop to 360degree spin over 12" hurdle x2 spins each direction
18" Box Drop to 360degree spin over 18" hurdle x2 spins each direction
24" Box Drop to 360degree spin over 12" hurdle x1 spin each direction

Clients, Lunch....

Band Resisted Lateral Shuffles
 - 3x 4 (r/l) - 5yds. out and back for speed and quickness

 10x 45, 135#
 5x 185#
 20x 225# - 4 breathes at the top of each rep

18" box Squat
 3x 225, 275, 315#
 2x 335, 355#
 1x 375#

Barbell RDL
 10x 40, 60, 70, 80kg


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