Monday, October 29, 2018

Sunday - Oct. 28

SwimRun NC
 - Hanging Rock State Park
 - 17.59 miles total
 - 15.84 miles of trails
 - 3066 yds. of swimming
 - 5:39:40 total time
 - 4220 ft. of elevation gained

Being only 2-weeks post Ironman Louisville for Josie, this was a big event and struggle through the first 12 miles.  I helped tow her up some of the trails at hiking speed.  At some point, her competitive spirit/stubbornness kicked in and she was moving well, very impressive.  We were a little worried about the first checkpoint time cut-off which we made by 15-minutes, but improved as the day progressed and were ahead of the 2nd/last time-check by 45-50 minutes.  Overall a fun event with 20 transitions between run and swim with some amazing views during the outing.  Temperatures started at 42 degrees and finish with sunny and 60 degree skies.  Water temps were a crisp high-50s to 60 degrees.

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