Monday, October 1, 2018

Friday - Sept. 28

Ashland University throwers circuit here at Durniat Strength

10 stations
 - 1 minute of work / 2:05 rest
1) Sandbag over bar - 120, 150, 200, 250, (failed to pick the 300#)
2) Endless Rope
3) Truck Knee Tucks
4) Overhead Medley - 110# log, 165# Andrew's Axle, 220# axle with truck tires, 200# log (cleaned, but not lockout on press)
5) Arm-Over-Arm Rope pull - sled+205#
6) 150 yds. Farmers walk with 32kg
7) Sandbag Clean + Throw @ 60#
8) Sandbag Bear Crawl @ 80#
9) Overhead Lunge Walk w/ 50# Surge
10) Mace Slams on tire

Always a fun time have these athletes over every fall.

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