Thursday, September 27, 2018

Wednesday - Sept. 26

3-mile Interval track work
 - College of Wooster outdoor track
 - 1.0 miles - 8:15
 - 0.25 - 1:37.6
 - 0.25 - 2:02.5
 - 0.25 - 1:39.8
 - 0.25 - 2:11.1
 - 0.13 - 48.4
 - 0.12 - 1:10.6
 - 0.13 - 47.8
 - 0.12 - 1:10.3
 - 0.13 - 47.8
 - 0.12 - 1:12.6
 - 0.13 - 46.9
 - 0.12 - 1:12.4
 - 0.25 - 2:15.6 - cooldown jog
 - 0.25 - 3:41.6 - cooldown walk
 - This series felt better this week and my hard efforts were about 2-3 seconds faster as well.  Still re-learning how to run 'hard/fast'.

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