Monday, September 17, 2018

Saturday - Sept. 15

Group Ruck training
 - Wooster Memorial Park

The group of 11 of us started with the crossfit inspired Bring Sally Up, a sound by Moby (Flower), we did thrusters with our packs.  Basically 3.5 minutes of thrusters to warm-up and make the crossfit attendees feel welcomed.  

Next we put our rucks on for a 0.5 mile hike to where I stashed the sandbags.  Here we partnered up for a 10-minute sandbag get-up test, I told everyone the standard was 70 reps combined.  I didn't this solo because of the odd numbers.

After this we put rucks back on and refilled water before heading down the trail for a 2-mile hike.  But I added a 40# sandbag that needed to always be carried and a 25# sledgehammer that also needed to be carried, but it had to remain overhead at all times.  Obviously these items were passed around and more or less evenly distributed among the group over time.

During our hike we stop in the knee deep stream to cool off with 10 pushups as a group and then 10 burpees as a group, then it was back to hiking and an off trail section I planned.  The off trail section took us up a stepper ravine which made carrying the sledge overhead more fun.  At the top we rejoined a trail and this led us to the cut tree I had been eyeing for about 2 years for this very occasion.  

We started with 5 people on the tree section but quickly learned that 4 people created better footing for all.  It wasn't a little weight, but not crushing either and everyone did great in working together to carry the tree for 0.5 miles.  After stashing the tree for a later date use, we continued back to the sandbags.

Here we partnered up again and did the following:
 - Clean and throw the sandbag the length of the field ~100 yards
 - Side throw the sandbag the length of field
 - bear crawl with sandbag pulled between legs
 - buddy carry
 - buddy bear crawl for 20 yds. 

Then we refilled water and hiked the 0.5 miles back to the car parking lot.  Here I wanted to finish off with a special clapping session.  One I knew most would think since we were back at the cars that we were finished and two, clapping sounds so simple.  So with arms extended out to the side, we performed overhead claps for 100 reps together on my count.  The shoulders really start to burn after 50 reps and the packs additional weight really starts to weigh on you as well.

Everyone did great and many are already waiting for the fun to happen again.

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