Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Tuesday - Aug. 7

Starting to recover from a head and chest cold.  Very likely from under recovering from the plethora of competitions and activities for the year.  Happy to be heading towards my off-season and easier exercise without diligent training for a couple of months.

Pool Swim
 - Christmas Run outdoor pool
 - 200 yds. warm-up
 - 6x50yds - 3 strokes/breath on 1:05 clock
 - 100yds. easy
 - 100yds sighting drill every 3rd breath
 - 100yds - 3 strokes per breath
 - keep pool time to under 30 minutes

Lunch, Clients....

Hitting up some of the crossfit skills I'll need for this weekend.

Double Unders
Barbell Squat Clean + Thruster 2x 95, 115, 135, 155, 185, 205#
Deadlift @ 135# x20
Ring Muscle-Up x2
Bar Muscle-up x2
Glute-Ham Situp x10
DB Snatch 5x 50, 65, 85, 95#
Double Unders

DB Curls
 10x 30, 35

 x10, 10, 10

3-way Shoulder Raise
 10x 5#

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