Friday, August 17, 2018

Saturday-Sunday, Aug. 11-12

Declaration Crossfit's - Survival Games
 - 3 person teams


Event #1 was a mini tri
 - 6.2 mile bike on rented beach cruisers that definitely didn't fit me, but oh well, we were all on the same thing.  I finished 2nd behind my teammate and buddy who races bikes regularly.
 - 2000m Row immediately followed.  I finished in about 7:20. Then jumped in to help finish out Eric's last 450m.  After the bike we had 3 rowers which needed to row 2000m however we could.  Jared and I had such a lead off the bike we were able to help Eric with his last 800m.
 - Once we were done with all 6000m we could begin the swim/run portion.  We needed to complete a total of 12 laps; 75yds. swim and then run back around the pond to the start ~170yds.  Jared and I completed 5 and Eric finished 2.
 - We won this event in 44 minutes total, by 4-5 minutes over the next team, which we figured we would since Jared and I are strong endurance athletes.

Event #2 - Jump and Thrust
 - athlete 1 - max effort Thruster (Eric w/ 205#)
 - group effort for 500 jump rope double-unders (only one jumper at a time)
 - athlete 2 - max effort Thruster (myself w/ 205#)
 - group effort 500 double-unders
 - athlete 3 - max Thruster
 - Total is combined top 2 thrusters + total double-unders completed
 - 22 minute time limit. Tie breaker is time
 - I think we only managed to get 340 of the second set of double-unders and a last place finish here.  Double-unders got us bigtime.

Event #3 - obstacle course
Athlete #1 - me
 - ninja warrior board climb to ~12-15' x2
 - rope swing to balance beam and then out and back sprint over random barriers ~25yds.
Athlete #2 - Jared
 - rope swing to balance beam
 - sprint to sled and arm-over-arm pull sled up hill
 - push sled back to start
 - sprint back to start
Athlete #3 - Eric
 - rope swing to balance beam
 - sprint 50yds. to bear-crawl 100'
 - run 40yds. to monkey bars and complete 4 trips before returning to start
The rope swing frustrated Eric

Event #4 - GHD situps and DB snatches
 - Group effort to complete 150 GHD situps
 - DB snatches: 20@55#, 16@65#, 12@75#, 8@85#, 4@100#
 - we had to switch arms each rep


Event #1 - Devils Barbell
 - 400m run: downhill and up a steep embankment
 - 30x push press @ 115#
 - 400m run
 - 40x clean @ 185#
 - 400m run
 - 50x 2-person deadlift @ 370#

Event #2 - gymnastic something
 - Jared - 60 wall ball - 10' with 20# ball then overhead Surge pipe lunge walk 25yds. x2
 - Eric - 30 handstand pushups then overhead Surge pipe lunge walk 25yds. x2
 - myself - 10 Ring Muscle-ups then overhead Surge pipe lunge walk 25yds x2
 - we did surprising well on this and came in 3rd place

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