Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Monday - July 2

Trail Run
 - William Frederick Hayden Park - Green Mountain, Colorado
 - 1:02:17
 - 5.23 miles
 - 933 ft. of elevation
 - 11:54 pace
 - aveHR 141
 - maxHR 177

Great run and views right up until mile 4.75 when I darn near stepped on a rattlesnake.  Thankfully, I was able to stop quickly and backup before it coiled up, rattled and was able to strike.  We then had a good staring contest until I took a 10 ft. radius around him.  He kept his eyes locked on me and rattled the entire time.  And yes, that is precisely when and where my heart rate spiked.  Actually kind of interesting to see in my data file.  

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