Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Wednesday - June 27

Dynamic Warm-up / Jump Rope 2 minutes

Squat (350# max)
10x 135#
 5x 185, 225#
 2x 250, 275#
 5+ @ 300# x 5
 - very hesitant to push with Leadville 1.5 weeks away

10 Rounds for Time - Rob Shaul
 - 5x In-Place Lunge with 60# Sandbag (5x each leg, 10x total)
 - 5x Sandbag Burpee @ 60# Sandbag
 - 5x Keg Side Load Lift @ 60# Sandbag
Time: 14:51

Seated Calf Raise
 6x 45, 80, 105, 115, 115#


  1. Looks like a pretty hard workout for only 10 days out from a race.

  2. This was a victory workout after getting the gym wired and live with new security cameras and 24-hour keyless entry. All installed by myself. Felt nice and easy actually.
