Thursday, June 14, 2018

Wednesday - June 13

Jump Rope - 2 minutes

Bench Press (290# max)
 10x 45#
 8x 135#
 5x 185#
 6x 5 @ 205# x 8 last set on 3 minute timer

15 minutes (EDT)
 - Tire Flip x5 - 13 sets + 4 flips
 - Dips x10 - 13 sets

Lunch, Clients....

Pullups - 2x7 each (2" bar)
 - regular
 - reverse
 - close
 - wide
 - neutral

DB Curls (r/l) w/ FatGripz
 10x 15, 20, 25, 30#

Lateral + Front DB Shoulder Raise w/ FatGripz
 10x 5, 10, 10#


Spin Bike
 - 11 minutes
 - aveHR 98
 - maxHR 107


Spin Bike
 - 25 minutes
 - aveHR 117
 - maxHR 132

Brandon is on vacation the remainder of this week so I'm working the gym open to close.  Giving me some extra time to do some things I don't normally do in a training day.

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