Monday, June 4, 2018

Saturday - June 2

7:30am start - Olympic distance
 - swim - 1663 yds - 29:30
 - bike - 24.04 miles - 1:22:25
 - run - 6.55 miles - 59:45
Total time: 2:56:40

3pm Start - Olympic distance but done Bike, Swim, Run
 - bike - 27.27 miles - 1:29:19 (completely different bike course from the morning)
 - swim - 1732 yds. - 30:34
 - run - 6.55 miles - 1:14:15
Total Time: 3:28:20

The second race kicked my butt a good bit.  I don't think I consumed enough salt and nutrients between races and dealt with some leg cramps near the end of the bike which then made for a run/walk situation for the run.

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