Monday, May 7, 2018

Saturday + Sunday - May 5-6

Black Fork Gravel Grinder
 - Mountain bike division
 - start/finish at Mohican Wilderness, 10am start
 - 53.86 miles
 - 3:56:36
 - aveMPH 13.7
 - 5336 ft. of elevation
 - aveHR 152
 - maxHR 180

Saturday night into Sunday
Mid-night Group Trail Run
 - Mohican State Park, midnight start
 - 20.98 miles
 - 4:44:00
 - 13:32 pace
 - 2417 ft. of elevation
 - aveHR 126
 - maxHR 145

That was weekend.  Wow, but feel pretty good overall.  Fatigued as expected.  I felt my performance was excellent; pace and fueling properly were huge for this double.  I took in 4 gels and one pb&j sandwich during the ride, along with 2- 20oz. bottles of Hammer Nutrition Heed and a full Camlbak of water - 1.5 liters.  Pre-ride I took 2 Hammer Nutrition salt caps.

During the run I went with more solid food, consuming 3-clif bars along with 4-17oz. soft flasks of Heed and 1.5 liters of water in the hydropak.

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