Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Tuesday - Apr. 17

Dynamic Warm-up / Jump Rope 2 minutes

Squat (350# max)
10x 135
 5x 185
 3x 210
 3x 10 @ 235# x 13 last on 3 minutes

Pistol (r/l)
 5x 18, 16, 14, 14"

Glute-Ham Raise
 x5, 5, 5 - hands assisted

Dollie Leg Curl
 x10, 10, 10

Seated Calf Raise
 6x 45, 80, 105, 115, 115#

Hanging Leg Raise
 - random movements.  experimenting with new ideas.


Trail Run w/ Kilo
 - Wooster Memorial Park
 - 4.57 miles
 - 41:59
 - 433 ft. of elevation
 - 9:11 pace
 - aveHR 153
 - maxHR 171

Lunch, Clients....

Spin Bike
 - 12 minute warm-up - maxHR 148
 - 8 sets of 40sec. Hard / 20sec. Easy (maxHR's - 156, 161, 163, 163, 165, 167, 168, 169)
 - 10 minutes cool-down - aveHR 142

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