Friday, April 20, 2018

Thursday - Apr. 19

Spin Bike
 - 20 minutes warm-up
 - 5 sets of 3 minutes On, 1 minute Easy
   1) end at low HR zone 3 - maxHR 153
   2) end at middle HR zone 3 - maxHR 157
   3) end at upper HR zone 3 - maxHR 159
   4) end at lower HR zone 4 - maxHR 165
   5) build to HR zone 4 in first 45sec. and hold - maxHR 168
 - 20 minutes cool-down
 - 60 minutes total time
 - these interval sets are for building muscular endurance and are from Joe Friel's book, 'Going Long'.  The first time I attempted these I couldn't make it through all of them, legs cramped after/during the 3rd/4th set.  Challenging but strong sets and felt good today.

After Work....

Trail Run w/ Kilo and Vertical Runner group
 - 5.02 miles
 - 53:25
 - 10:38 pace
 - 638 ft. of elevation
 - aveHR 146
 - maxHR 166

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