Friday, March 30, 2018

Thursday - Mar. 29

Pool Swim
 - Wooster HS, last swim here.  Pool renovations begin this weekend.
 - 50-100-150-200-250-250-200-150-100-50 yds. on 6-7 breathes rest
 - 50 yds. breathing ladder - strokes per breath - 3, 4, 5, 5, 5 on full recovery
 - no toys today
 - 1750 yds total
 - 41:21

After Work.....

Trail Run w/ vertical runner group
 - 5.07 miles
 - 59:38
 - 11:45 pace
 - 1101 ft. of elevation
 - aveHR 148
 - maxHR 166
 - wore my swimrun wetsuit for the first time.  We have the Zone3 Versa and I was pleasantly surprised how nice it was to run in.  I did feel tightness in the chest and with breathing at first, but opening up the front zipper half way solved that problem.  I wore the removeable arm sleeves for most of the run and lowered them for a short portion just to familiarize myself with rolling them down and back up again while on the run, no problems there.  Temperatures were in the mid-40s and it was raining the entire time so I can't really comment on overheating other than in these conditions I was perfectly comfortable.  Zero chafing was experienced over the 5 miles, but on race day I will still BodyGlide my typical areas of my neck and underarms. 

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