Monday, March 12, 2018

Monday - Mar. 12

KB LongCycle
 - warm-up
 - 2 minutes @ 10 rpm
 - 12, 16, 20kg

Main Set
 - 1 minute @ 24kg - 10 rpm
 - Sales guy walked in

 - 3 minutes @ 24kg - 10 rpm

KB Snatch
 - 10 minutes, switch arms every minute
 - 24kg @ 20 rpm

Lunch, Clients......

Crossfit Open 18.3
 - 100 jump rope double-unders
 - 20 overhead squat @ 115#
 - 100 double-unders
 - 12 ring muscle-ups
 - 100 double-unders
 - 20 db snatch @ 50#
 - 100 double-unders
 - 12 bar muscle-ups

Time cap of 14 minutes; I had completed up to 8 ring muscles, but then finished the remaining reps of everything.  I'm sure some top guys would finish this and then begin a second round.  I'd need to work on my double-unders more and learn how to kip (not on my list).

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