Thursday, February 1, 2018

Wednesday - Jan. 31

After Work....

Road Ruck Run
 - downtown Wooster to downtown Orrville with a 27# ruck
 - 12.5 miles
 - 2:08:54
 - 10:20 pace
 - 488 ft. of elevation
 - aveHR 153
 - maxHR 169

Pre-run:  This was part of Ruck Across America 2.0, they were in need of some miles and I can got an email.  Most walk/hike/ruck the distance but I felt I could run the distance.

Post-run:  The run went WAY better than I anticipated.  I figured I'd do between 10-13 minute/mile pace and was pleasantly surprised to be on the low end of that.  I was very glad to have used BodyGlide on my low back to reduce chaffing.  I still experienced some but not too much.  Overall, I was very happy with how my body held up to the increased pounding.  Felt a little bit of my IT bands about mile 9 but then haven't felt them since.  Quads and calf muscles were felt on the last hills into Orrville and I can still tell this next morning that they are fatigued.  Chest and ribs are also fatigued from being under the pack and deeper breathing.  All-in-all a great evening of work.


  1. I get an hours head start going up Seneca now :)

  2. hahaha. I bought a bigger pack to carry more stuff for you.
