Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Tuesday - Feb. 6

Dynamic Warm-up / Jump Rope 2 minutes

Agility Rings
 - doulbe leg x6
 - single leg x6 (r/l)

Squat (340# max)
 10x 135#
 5x 185#
 3x 225#
 6 x 5 @ 240# x 8 last on 3:00

Pistol (r/l)
 5x 18, 16, 14, 11, 11"

Glute-Ham Raise
 x5, 5, 5

Leg Blaster x1

Pool Swim
 - Wooster High School
 - 2x 100yds - warm-up
 - 500yds w/ pull buoy and hand paddles
 - 200yds w/ pull buoy
 - 2 x 50yds threshold
 - 2x 100yds w/ pull buoy and hand paddles
 - the reason for the increased use of hand paddles and pull buoy is in preparation for a SwimRun race April 6 in North Carolina.  SwimRun consists of ~3 miles of open water swimming and ~14 miles of trail running.  We will run in modified wetsuits and swim in our trail shoes, shorts swim is ~25yds, longest .75 miles, with runs being between 25yds. and 7 miles.  We will be in and out of the water about 20-25 times.  Hand paddles and a pull buoy are allowable equipment and should save us energy to be utilized on the runs.


Seated Calf Raise
 6x 45, 80, 105, 115, 115#

Abs x2
 - situp x40
 - 4-way crunch x40 each
 - swiss ball crunch x40
 - leg levers x40
 - 4-count flutter x40
 - plank - 60sec.
 - 20# mace hammer winds x20 (r/l)


  1. That's a lot of transitions - sounds hard!

  2. It should be 'fun'. From what I hear, being smooth and efficient in the transitions are the key to a good time. We're looking to do a training weekend down at Burr Oak in March sometime.
