Friday, February 9, 2018

Thursday - Feb. 8

Spin Bike
 - 60 minutes
 - aveHR 122
 - maxHR 143


Pool Swim
 - Wooster HS
 - 5x 100yds. on 8 breathes rest
 - 5x 100yds on 8 breathes w/ paddles and buoy. Breathing every 3rd stroke instead of every 2nd.
 - 5x 100yds on 8 breathes rest

After Work....

Trail Run w/ Josie
 - Wooster Memorial Park
 - 4.31 miles
 - 55:47
 - 12:57 pace
 - 580 ft. of elevation
 - aveHR 133
 - maxHR 161

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