Monday, February 19, 2018

Sunday - Feb. 18

Gravel Roads on Mountain bike w/ group
 - 37.86 miles
 - 3:13:02
 - 4117 ft. of elevation
 - 11.8 ave MPH
 - aveHR 133
 - maxHR 170

I'm always a little nervous before the first outdoor ride of the year.  Fitness feels strong and on paper I'm doing what I need in order to have success outside and in the hills, but until it actually happens I'm always a bit nervous.

This ride went well and what I've been doing indoors is working.  I'm still not in mid-season form but I have a solid base of fitness to begin.  I one improvement I look to implement this year over last is to maintain 1-2 indoor spin bike sessions a week once I'm able to ride outside.  Looking back once I started riding outside on weekends, I dropped my indoor riding, due to not wanting to mess around with putting the bike on and off the trainer and changing tires everyday.  Spin bike sessions will continue to be Zone1-2 affairs to build/maintain my aerobic ability.

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