Thursday, January 25, 2018

Wednesday - Jan. 24

Dynamic Warm-up / Jump Rope - 2 minutes

Squat (330# max)
 10x 135#
 5x 185#
 3x 225#
 2x 245#
 8+ @ 265# x 20 - felt surprisingly comfortable, could have kept doing singles.  It's now a strength set and not a breathing set.

Lunch, Client....

 5(r/l) @ 18", 16", 14",  11"

Glute-Ham Raise
 x5, 5, 5
 - hands assisted today

Seated Calf Raise
 6x 45, 80, 105, 115, 115#

Abs x2
 - situp x40
 - 4-way crunch x40 each
 - swiss ball crunch x40
 - leg levers x40
 - 4-count flutter x40
 - plank - 60sec.
 - 20# mace hammer winds x20 (r/l)

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