Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Wednesday - Dec. 20

Jump Rope - 2 minutes

KB Clean+Jerk
 - 2 minutes @ 12, 16, 20kg
 - 8 rpm

Main Set
 - 24kg
 - 7 minutes
 - 8 rpm

Rest 10 minutes

KB Clean+Jerk
 - 2 minutes @ 28kg
 - 8 rpm


KB Snatch - warm-up
 - 2 minutes @ 20, 24kg
 - 18 rpm

Main Set
 - 10 minutes @ 28kg, switch arms every minute
 - 18 rpm
 - aveHR 149
 - maxHR 164

Bench Press and DL done as a superset on the same 3:00 clock.
Bench Press (290# max)
 10x 45#
 8x 135#
 5x 175#
 3x 10 @ 195# x 12 last on 3:00

Deadlift (405# max)
 10 x 135#
 5 x 225#
 3x 10 @ 275# x 12 last on 3:00

Campus Board
 - large rungs
 - ladder (1-3-5-7-9) x4

Lunch, Client.....

Pullups + 8kg - 2x7 each (2" bar)
 - regular
 - reverse
 - close
 - wide
 - neutral

Ring Row - 2x10
Renegade Row @32kg x10(r/l)

Hanging Toes-to-Bar
 4x 12


Pushup 2x20
Close Pushup 2x15
Wide Pushup 2x15
DiveBomber 2x10
Dips 2x15

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