Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Tuesday - Dec. 12

Dynamic Warm-up / Jump Rope - 2 minutes

Multi-Directional Hurdle Jumps to Sprint
 - 6" x10

Squat (325# max)
 8 x 135#
 5x 10 @ 195# x 12 last on 3:00
 - switching all my main lifts to the Juggernaut template.  I've personally always seemed to get better improvement with volume training and then can use the 5/3/1 template to peak if a strength event appears on the calendar.  Juggernaut also is a longer progression which I feel builds a better base of strength.

Pistol - 11" box
 2x 5 (r/l)

2-arm Swing
 10x 32, 36, 40, 44, 48kg

Glute-Ham Raise - all sets done unassisted by hands.
 x5, 5, 5

Seated Calf Raise
 6x 45, 80, 105, 115, 115#

Leg Blaster 1x
 - no dumbbells today

Abs x2
 - situp x40
 - 4-way crunch x40 each
 - swiss ball crunch x40
 - leg levers x40
 - 4-count flutter x40
 - plank - 60sec.
 - 20# mace hammer winds x20 (r/l)


Spin Bike
 - 60 minutes
 - aveHR 141
 - maxHR 157

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