Monday, December 11, 2017

Saturday - Dec. 9

Gripmas Carol
 - it has been about 2 years since I last competed in grip sport and I've missed hanging out with the guys.  With the weekend free, I made the short trip down.

1) Ivanko Super Gripper.  started and missed at 263.  success on the 2nd attempt. I believe I went to 278 for my third and was successful.  Missed 298 on my last.  Better hand placement played a role in missing my first, lack of strength was the problem on the 4th.

2) Euro 2 hands pinch.  Used the 58mm thickness and kept about 2" space between my fingers on the disk.  First time trying this and it seemed more locked in today so I went with it.  209, 219, 224 all good lifts.  Passed on my 4th as I'd started to tear my thumb webbing and it wasn't worth it with two more events to come.

3) Medley.  Always a favorite of mine, and Chris always buts together a great medley that challenges everyone.  Most items had a light, medium, heavy weight and were score 1, 2 or 3 point respectively.  Maximum of 64 points total.  To the best of the my memory: I started with the blue Blob (3), block db pinch bar (3), 5-5kg plates (2), 3-25s pinned (2), scale weights+ (3), InchDB (3), TNS #2.5 (3), 2-35s (2), tractor weight (3), pinch block pullup (1), spike pullup (1), fat-gripz pullup (1), campus board 1to6 thin (3), campus board ladder 1to6 thin (3), campus board pullup thin (2), sledge hammer internal/external (2+2), Slim lever 12# (3), sledge lever to nose 20# (3), key pinch medium (2), flash light (1), finger walk (1), thin pinch light (1). My official total was 54 points.  The campus board points really helped out a lot.

4) 30# double sledge lever for reps from dead stop.  20 reps.  I wanted to stop at 12 but Jedd did 18 so I needed to beat him.


  1. You had one heck of a contest my friend! I think those KBs keep your grip strong :)

  2. Thank you. It was a conversation about the KBs that I keep remembering and one of the reasons I continue to train them. It was great to see everyone again and play.
