Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Tuesday - Aug. 29

Double KB Clean + Jerk
 - 10 sets of 30sec. Work/Rest
 - 28kg
 - 5 reps per work period

Squat (275# max)
 5 x 135, 165#
 3x 195, 220#
 3+ @ 250# x 6

 - situp x40
 - 4-way crunch x40 each
 - swiss ball crunch x40
 - been awhile since I've done ab work and this hurt.

Seated Calf Raise
 5x 45, 80, 105, 115, 125#

Standing Calf Raise
 - tabata interval 8x 20sec./10sec. Work/Rest
 - oh the burn.  Idea from Rob Shaul and Mountain Tactical.

Clean+Press is great if you still add in the additional work to be strong and well rounded.  Squats, abs and some bench/pullup/down work should round me off nicely.  Kettlebells are again showing themselves to be a great all-around conditioning tool, if not the best.

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