Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Monday - Aug. 14

KB LongCycle
 - 3 minutes Work / 5 minutes Rest
 - 8 rpm @ 12kg, 16kg, 20kg, 24kg, 28kg
 - 28kg @ 6 rpm x 1 minute

KB 1-arm LongCycle
 - 4 minutes @ 12-10rpm, switch arms every minute
 - 28kg

Humbling to remember playing with the red 32s for many sets and reps.  I was tremendously durable and 'in shape' years ago.  Getting there again, but humbling to remember years past.

After Work....

Trail Run
 - Wooster Memorial Park
 - 3.79 miles
 - 45:55
 - pace 12:07
 - aveHR 144
 - maxHR 172


  1. Remembering what I could do in years past compared to now is kind of depressing :)

  2. I try not to do it, but it's hard not to do it.
