Thursday, June 29, 2017

Wednesday - June 28

Agility Rings
 - Double leg x6, Single Leg x6 (r/l)

1-arm DB Clean + Press (r/l)
 - pyramid the rack, only strict press
 - touch the floor each rep, single arm clean
 - 1:45 rest between sets
 5x 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 60, 55, 50, 45, 40, 35, 30, 25, 20, 15#

After Lunch and Clients......

Bouldering wall traverse
 x 3 trips - different each time
 - time on wall: 2:47, 3:10, 2:09
 - 5 minutes rest between

Hangboard - 10 minute sequence.
 - 15 sec. hang Jug
 - 1x pullup Round Sloper
 - 10 sec. hang Medium edge
 - 15 sec. hang w/ 3 shrugs Pocket
 - 20 sec. hang w/ 2 pullups Large edge
 - 10 sec. hang Round Sloper w/ 5 knee raise Pocket
 - 4 pullups Large edge
 - 10 sec. hang Medium edge
 - 3 pullups Jug
 - hang as long as possible -Round sloper 25 sec.

After Work....

Road Bike
 - 21.06 miles
 - 1:20:26
 - 15.7 aveMPH
 - aveHR 121
 - maxHR 154

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