Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Tuesday - May 2

45 minutes - as many rounds as possible
 - 60# goruck sandbag
 - 20x ground to shoulder
 - 20sec. overhead hold
 - 20x pushups hands on bag
 - 20sec. overhead hold
 - 20x situps w/ bag
 - 20sec. overhead hold
 - Total Rounds: 11 complete with 30sec. overhead hold to finish out the clock

After Work....

Pool Swim
 - 500yds.
 - 10 x 50yds on 10 breathes rest - working on a faster kick and arm turnover
 - 100yds side stroke
 - 10 x 50 yds on 10 breathes rest
 - 1600yds total

Road Run
 - 5.0 miles
 - 43:48
 - 8:45 pace
 - aveHR 149
 - maxHR 162

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