Monday, May 15, 2017

Saturday - May 13

WooDu - duathlon race
  - 6th place out of 44 men.  1:11:14 total time

 - 1.56 miles
 - 10:53
 - 7:01 pace
 - aveHR 162

 - 13.46 miles
 - 37:25
 - 21.6 ave mph
 - aveHR 163

 - 3.07 miles
 - 22:55
 - 7:28 pace
 - aveHR 166

Very happy with my performance today.  I have not been doing any threshold runs, so I knew that would be limiter for this event.  I viewed this as just a fast training day.  My second run mile splits were 8, 7:30, 7; very happy to negative split the second run, plenty of energy left in the tank.  My bike split was the second fastest on the day which also makes me happy.

Hike w/ Kilo
 - Wooster Memorial Park
 - 3.7 miles
 - 1:07

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