Thursday, March 16, 2017

Thursday - Mar. 16

KB Snatch set
 - 10 minutes
 - 24kg
 - 15 rpm
 - aveHR 131
 - maxHR 146

Hang Clean (200# max)
 5x 95, 110, 130, 150#
 5+@ 170# x 8

Deadlift (350# max)
 5x 135, 160, 195, 230, 265#
 5+@ 300# x 7

Press (135# max)
 5x 45, 60, 75, 90, 100#
 5+@ 115# x 8

Seated Calf Raise
 5x 45, 70, 95, 105, 105#


Pool Swim
 - 250 yards
 - 15 x 100 yds. on 5 breathes rest

Lunch and Clients.....

1 to 10, 10 to 1
 - Pullups x1
 - Pushup x2
 - Situp x3


Neck Exercise x20
8-count Burpee x10

Max Pushup in 2 minutes: 57
Max Situp in 2 minutes: 74
Max Pullup: 14
Plank - 60sec.

Holy volume day..... but feels good.

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