Monday, March 13, 2017

Monday - Mar. 13

Dynamic Warm-up / Jump Rope 2- minutes

Squat (275# max)
 5x 125, 150, 180, 205#
 5+@ 235# x 8

Bench Press (275# max) - slight pause each rep
 5x 125, 150, 180, 205#
 5+@ 235# x 7

 - 2000m
 - 6:47.5
 - ave500m 1:41.9
 - aveHR 155
 - maxHR 167
 - hard effort but not going max effort. Happy to still be sub-6:50

Pushups in 2 minutes: 71
Situps in 2 minutes: 73
Pullups (max): 17
Plank - 60sec.

After Lunch and Clients....

Road Run
 - 1.81 miles
 - 13:09
 - 7:16 pace
 - aveHR 168
 - maxHR 181

One Arm Pullup w/ band assist on rings
 - 4 x 2 (r/l)
 - #3 band, off hand held 4 hand widths up from bottom of band
 - left arm continues to be ever so slightly stronger on these

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