Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Tuesday - Feb. 21

KB LongCycle
 - 10 minutes
 - 16kg
 - 12rpm
 - aveHR 95
 - maxHR 125
 - I'm not trusting that HR, but who knows. This was fast, but steady, and I was working the last 2 minutes.  Breathing was heavier but not max effort so I guess this can be accurate.  I will repeat this again next week before moving up to the 20kg bells.

Played around with a 1rep max weight pullup
5x bw
3x 16kg
1x 24, 32, 40, 52, 60kg
failed at 68kg (gym record is 65kg)

After Work.....

Trail run w/ Kilo and 3 others
 - Wooster Memorial Park
 - 4.11 miles
 - 42:31
 - aveHR 151
 - maxHR 177
 - 787' of gain
 - 10:21 pace

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